Privacy Policy

In this post-apocalyptic digital age, SolidRusT Networks stands as a beacon of trust and transparency. This comprehensive privacy policy outlines our unwavering commitment to safeguarding your data in a world where information has become as precious as clean water and uncontaminated food. We believe that in these dark times, the right to privacy is not a luxury, but a fundamental necessity for survival and progress.

Data Collection during AI Interactions

In the harsh reality of our resource-scarce world, SolidRusT Networks operates on a principle of data minimalism. We collect no personal data or chat information during your interactions with our AI agents. This means:

This approach ensures that your conversations with our AI agents remain as private as whispers in the wasteland, known only to you and your device.

How We Use Your Information

In the SolidRusT ecosystem, information flows like radiation - quickly processed and never lingering. Here's a detailed breakdown of our data handling process:

  1. When you send a prompt to our AI outposts, it's received by our secure servers.
  2. The prompt is immediately processed by our AI agents, drawing upon their vast knowledge bases culled from the remnants of the old world.
  3. A response is generated and sent back to your device.
  4. As soon as the response is dispatched, all traces of the interaction are purged from our systems.
  5. The SolidRusT client on your device may retain a local copy of the conversation, allowing for context-aware interactions without compromising security.

This process ensures that our AI can provide continuity and context in conversations without the need for centralized data storage. Your device becomes your own personal vault of knowledge, inaccessible to others unless you choose to share it.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

In the fractured landscape of the post-apocalyptic world, alliances are rare and trust is a precious commodity. At SolidRusT Networks, we stand as an island of digital sovereignty. Our policy on information sharing is simple and absolute:

Your interactions with SolidRusT Networks remain as secret as a hidden bunker in the wasteland, known only to you and the AI agents you choose to interact with.


In a world where digital threats loom as large as physical ones, we've fortified our systems with the most robust security measures salvaged from the old world and enhanced for the new:

While no system in this uncertain world can guarantee absolute security, we strive to make our digital infrastructure as resilient and secure as the most fortified bunker in the wasteland.


In the resource-scarce post-apocalyptic world, every byte counts. We've optimized our systems to operate without the use of cookies. This cookie-less approach offers several advantages:

Our systems run lean and efficient, like a well-maintained vehicle traversing the wasteland, carrying only what's necessary for the journey.

Third-Party Websites

The SolidRusT Networks domain stands as an isolated bastion in the digital wasteland. We maintain a strict policy regarding third-party connections:

Remember, in the vast digital wasteland, each domain is its own territory. While we ensure your safety within our borders, we cannot guarantee your protection once you venture beyond.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

In the ever-shifting landscape of the post-apocalyptic world, adaptation is not just beneficial - it's essential for survival. Our privacy policy is a living document, evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities:

Like a survivor adapting to the ever-changing wasteland, our privacy practices will evolve to ensure the best protection for your data in these uncertain times.

Contact Us

In the vast digital wasteland, communication is key to survival and progress. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about this privacy policy or our data practices:

We value your input and will respond to all legitimate inquiries with the urgency of a wasteland courier carrying vital information. Your concerns about digital privacy and security are our top priority in this new world.

Last updated: 2077/07/15 - © 2077 SolidRusT Networks. All rights reserved in this timeline and across all parallel wasteland realities.